KFUC and NFUCA held Korea-Japan Student Exchange Seminar
KFUC and NFUCA has been holding annual exchange program for student members. Back in 1999, there were some events in student level, however the first official program was held in 2002. Each year we have core members, who prepare the seminar, and gather for preparatory meeting. (Find more for preparatory meeting in May) This year, the host was KFUC, and participants visited PuKyong National University Cooperative (PKNU Co-op). The seminar was held during 18th~21st of August, with the theme, “Better Together, Let’s Coop!”
The program consist of introduction presentation, table discussion and cultural experience. The core members gave co-presentation on introduction to each organization and activities from student committees. They picked ‘Best 5 Activities’ and share this to the participants in 18th, the first day of program.
During 19th, and 20th, they had two table discussions : Share experience of Eco-friendly activities and each group makes a project to protect the environment through coop. Many fresh and practical ideas was presented. The plan was very reasonable in terms of both individual and student committee members can do. Another discussion was about student exchange seminar : How we can develop this seminar. Students especially focused on sharing the feedback of this seminar though, we might reflect some meaningful ones for the future. Besides of those, they have other programs such as ice-breaking session, study visit on co-op stores, and experience youth entrepreneurship in traditional market in Busan, and the last day was organized by city tour in Busan.
Korea-Japan students’ exchange program is meaningful in terms of many aspects. This is the longest regular program between KFUC and NFUCA, and student design and organize the whole programs. Next year the seminar will be held in Japan. Hopfully 2020 seminar will be also very fruitful.