KFUC and NFUCA held federation level staff seminar in Seoul
Korea Federation of University Cooperatives (KFUC) and National Federation of University Cooperative Associations (NFUCA) held seminar in Seoul, Republic of Korea. It was 3-day-program, from the 3rd to 5th, July, 2019. This program was to acknowledge the importance of having international relationship and solidarity action together in terms of cooperation among cooperative based on 7 principles of cooperatives by International Cooperative Alliance(ICA). Furthermore this is to enhance the knowledge each organizations’ value, activities, and confront issues.
The program consists of presentation, discussion, and co-op visit.
The first presentation was about 'Background of Education system in Korea, and introduction of University Cooperative' by the president of KFUC. Also the delegation from NFUCA gave the lecture to staffs from Korea. The theme was the value of University Cooperative, and how we can work as cooperator based on its philosophy by Mr. Maita, the CEO of NFUCA. After his presentation, Mr. Kazaore, the secretary general of Kansai Hokuriku block (one of the business sector of NFUCA) and Ms. Ishihata, the deputy secretary general from University of Tokyo Co-op told us their experience. After the lecture and discussion, the delegation visited Kookmin University Co-op and Ewha W. University Co-op.
Through this opportunity, we could have in depth discussion, and talk about blueprint of the further plan. Hopefully KFUC and NFUCA continuously have the close relationship.