Review from participants of Korea-Japan Student's Exchange Seminar 2021
Here are some reviews from participants of Korea-Japan Student's Exchange Seminar in 2021
[Review A]
The first session was the opening ceremony, which all participants gathered for the first time. It was very freshing experience for meeting foreigner students through online service named, Zoom.
This year, the host of the program was NFUCA, so mainly they carried out the program in Japanese with interpreter. Personally, I could understand the context a little because I have been studying Japanese. Due to the ice breaking session and group discussion, we could become close to each other.
After the opening ceremony, we used application, named BAND, till the closing ceremony. At first, I thought it might be awkward. Nevertheless we shared many things together and we became familiar in the end. Among the categories we shared, food section was the most popular thing, because we shared a lot of pictures. I felt big differences seeing those pictures.
Besides of these, they showed many cases how Japanese University cooperatives is dealing with the Covid-19. It was great opportunity to learn using partition in the coop, because my own coop tried to introduce this, which we didn't. The closing ceremony on Thursday was very brief, and sharing the feedback and present exchanging were the most memorable events.
Though we only met through online, it was great chance to communicate each other.I wish Icould join this program next year too, if it permits. Lastly, although all cooperatives are struggling due to the pandemic, we can get over it so soon.
[Review B]
Hi, I am Seonhwa Kim from Soongsil University Cooperative.
I have been participated in the student network activities in Korea Federation of University Cooperatives as of this year. I was watching the core members' preparation on this program. Observing the meetings with Japanese University cooperatives, and exchanging on the current situation together, I was wondering what they are discussing. To know this and their activities, I joined this program,
Due to the circumstance, this year, we held the program through online system, with the service name, Zoom. We shared the daily lives and then activities in University cooperatives. At first, I was worried a bit because there might be obstacles to communicate via online. But it turns out this was never a concern. Based on sharing daily lives through application, BAND, we became close to each other, which was the great result of the program. Talking about the tiny little things, we could elevate the topics which needs to be discussed deeply. I could see that many people tried hard work to broaden the students' participation in coop.
One of the fun moments was happened in BAND. Because the application provides automated translation service, the comments we wrote under the photos were translated right after we wrote it. The thing is, due to the system, the translation was not 100% correct, and it brought awkward meaning. Nevertheless it was understandable and very fun. Japanese students shared their activities, and Korean students also shared their owns with photos. I could learn many things from the both sides.
The program was held from 6th to 11th of February, and it went so fast than I expected. Checking the text message, alarming the closing ceremony day, I said to myself, 'it's already THURSDAY'. Thanks to the seminar, it was really freshing experience since I could meet many people, and share many things together. Personally I wish this seminar could last longer, so that we can share much more information. Also, I hope to keep in touch with Japanese friends through BAND.
Though it was really short term, I was really impressed and had fun time with them.