Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe Visited KFUC
Korea Federation of University Cooperatives (KFUC) has international relationship with cooperatives in Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, and other countries with International Cooperative Alliance(ICA) member organizations.
Above them, we had a new friendship with Deutsches Studentenwerk, DSW in 2017.
After that, one of the member and partnership organization, Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe visited KFUC.
KFUC organized program with 'KFUC Student Network' in Soongsil University Cooperative in 8th of May.
The delegation from Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe could visited some of its stores, canteen, lounge in the library, general stores, and book store. After that, we had an introduction presenations of each organization, and interactive talk session.
Though we have a different format of organization, (DSW is not a cooperative, but public organization) the mission and vision, and the business areas are similar to each other.
Based on those similarities, we may have exchange programs together for future action. We hope to have continuous relationship with Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, and DSW.