A way to overcome COVID-19, with grocery delivery service by university cooperativ
Due to the outbreak of COVID 19, the world has been suffering from huge chaotic disaster as of this January.
No one could escape from this virus, and especially the youth were one of them.
Many students lost their part time jobs, and even some universities withdrew many scholarship programs for them.
To make matters worse, universities changed their educational system into online services. And that made many students who lived in distanced areas, or who stayed in dormitory confused because they have to find alternative ways all of sudden.
Under such circumstances, university cooperatives tried to find the breakthrough for those students.
Therefore we decided to do what we can do, and one of them is providing the grocery delivery service.
The grocery delivery service is that literally delivering groceries to the students who need them.
Here is a background how and why we do this.
Firstly, university cooperatives give membership to students, faculty members, and staffs in own university.
Secondly, we run stores to them in the campus and if we earn the surplus(we rather named it surplus rather than profit, because we pursue 'for non-profit organization'), we will decide how to return it to the members.
One of the ways to do so is by giving 'grocery delivery service'.
Some from the surplus goes to make fund to this service to the Korea Federation of University Cooperatives(KFUC, hereinafter referred to as federation).
The federation collects the participants with student network and distributes the package every two weeks.
The federation is working with partners and resume its service as of 16th of October, the fifth distribution in the second semester of the year 2020.
For now, we have partners from cooperative sector, Hansalim, and organic food association, and Samsung Well-Story from private sector.
You may wonder why university cooperative chose grocery from many other categories, and here's the reason.
Among surging expenses on education fees, living expenditures and others, most of the students who tried to cut their budget started with meal expenses according to the survey.
Therefore university cooperatives decided to support students in their most vulnerable part.
The grocery delivery service provides different types of packages, and students can pick whatever they want.
Mainly it has options for vegetarians and cooked or uncooked(microwave only) options. In short, it has four types in total.
Among them, we reflect students needs on vegetarian option, since it is very recent that Koreans are interested in vegetarian diet, and we were asked to have this option.
The package has been changed based on beneficiaries' needs and the student network who is in charge of selecting items.
Also we had many different partners each semester besides of those mentioned above.
Because we have student network who gathers participants' opinion and knows trends among youth, satisfaction level is very high especially in item section.
So far university cooperatives have been tried their best to carry on this project and they will do it better for further to fulfill participants' needs, and support their lives.
Hopefully this project enables to support youth especially under hard times like now.
<Below pictures are the examples of package and some feedback from the students who received it.>